Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Grassley may nix 11th hour session if accuser doesn't respond to invite

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) raised the possibility on Tuesday that if Christine Blasey Ford (who accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago)  doesn't soon respond to the committee's invitation to appear for Monday's scheduled hearing on the allegations, he may just cancel the meeting altogether.

It appears the situation is merely a stalling tactic by Democrats hoping to have confirmation hearings after the November elections, or eliminate Kavanaugh for consideration, or stir up the Democratic base, or all of the above.

Grassley scheduled the hearing for Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford to answer questions from senators about the allegation but said on a Tuesday radio interview that his office has reached out several times to Ford and her attorneys to discuss the allegations, but has not heard a word back from them.

“We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours three or four times by email and we have not heard from them, and it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?” Grassley said on the "Hugh Hewitt Show."

Grassley was then asked whether there would be a hearing if the accuser didn't agree to appear, and he suggested he could not see a reason to hold a meeting.

“What would be the purpose of the hearing if Dr. Ford doesn’t want to respond?” Grassley asked rhetorically.

If, in fact, she accepts the invite, Grassley said he's considering using an independent questioner to ask all the questions to Ford.

Blasey Ford is a professor at Palo Alto University who initially remained anonymous after making the allegation against Kavanaugh. This made no sense because if, indeed, Kavanaugh was guilty of her claim, her identity would have been known to him. 

She finally revealed her identity over the weekend, a typical liberal tactic to stall the hearings, like the Clarence Thomas hearing in 1991 when Anita Hill came forward with sexual harassment allegations and was later proven a liar.

She claimed that when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, they were at a pool party [she does not recall when and exactly where, so Kavanaugh cannot actually produce an alibi]. He was allegedly drunk along with his friend Mark Judge. She claims he pinned her down, tried to remove her bathing suit and put his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream.

Kavanaugh vehemently denies this allegation and Mark Judge also agrees that the claim was totally absurd.

During television appearances on Monday, Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, indicated her client was “willing to take whatever it takes to get her story forth,” and would testify before the committee under oath. But she has not confirmed that Ford will show up for Monday’s open hearing, which would be aired live on television.

Originally, Ford was reluctant to go public but for some crazy reason she took a lie detector test, which is inadmissible in a court of law due to inaccuracies, but begs the question 'why'? But it's anyone's guess whether she'll accept the invitation.

Grassley, announcing the Monday hearing, said it would "give these recent allegations a full airing."

White House spokesman Raj Shah said Judge Kavanaugh is willing to testify.

“Judge Kavanaugh looks forward to a hearing where he can clear his name of this false allegation. He stands ready to testify tomorrow if the Senate is ready to hear him,” Shah said.

Democrats have called for delaying Kavanaugh’s vote until there is a full FBI review of the matter, in spite of the fact that the agency has already decided not to deal with the matter: it isn't a federal crime and there are no substantiating facts to go forward. Again, this is a delaying tactic perpetrated by the left.

In fact, Grassley told Hewitt that the FBI investigation “is closed” and that the FBI is not doing any further investigation as I explained above.

President Trump stood by Kavanaugh on Monday, calling him one of the “finest people that I have ever known” while acknowledging a "little delay" may be necessary before the nomination is voted on in the Senate.

The president also criticized Democrats over the last minute timing of the allegations but is open to delaying the confirmation proceedings in Congress while the situation is being investigated.

“I wish the Democrats could have done this a lot sooner because they had this information for many months," Trump told reporters. "And they shouldn't have waited until literally the last days. They should have done it a lot sooner.”

"If it takes a little delay it'll take a little delay," he said. "It shouldn't certainly be very much."

Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the sexual assault accusations Ford alleged took place while the two were in high school.

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