Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ford will testify, perhaps, but only if---

Here's the deal--Christine Blasey Ford is setting herself up for an out with testifying at the Senate Judicial Committee. Her lawyer has written to the committee but said that certain details needed to be worked out.

"Dr. Ford accepts the Committee's request to provide her first-hand knowledge of Brett Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct next week," her lawyers, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, wrote to the committee.

The message didn't agree to a date and time for Ford to speak to the committee and said "many aspects" of an earlier proposal by the committee was "fundamentally inconsistent with the Committee's promise of a fair, impartial investigation into her allegations," --a perfect 'out' for Ford.

The lawyers asked in their message to "set up a time for later this afternoon to continue our negotiations."

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley meekly agreed Friday night to allow Ford  more time to decide whether to testify before Congress and hopefully, for the Democrats, delay the confirmation beyond the midterm elections so that they can stop all future Trump appointments to the Supreme Court if they can control the Senate and House.

Grassley tweeted that he "granted another extension" to Christine Blasey Ford, saying "she (should) decide so we can move on. I want to hear her."

He has basically bent over backwards so as not to offend the MeToo movement, but it's getting ridiculous.

Most pundits believe that she will eventually testify because not doing so will make her look as if she had been lying. I believe there's a chance that she will not testify because of that reason. I have been known to be wrong [just ask my wife] but it looks more like she's looking for reasons not to testify than to go before the Committee.

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