Thursday, August 9, 2018

'Professor' claims Trump supporters will 'provoke violence' when he leaves office

According to a so-called professor of the useless field of women's studies, all Trump supporters are racist and this could lead to us becoming violent when Trump leaves office.

Professor Julie Novkov, apparently a woman [see photo], predicts Trump supporters, whom she refers to as "overt racists," will "provoke violence" when Trump leaves the Oval Office--even if it's after two terms.

Personally, I am a Trump supporter [in terms of his political moves], but I don't believe I'm a racist, even though I'm an old white guy and a conservative.

I'm married to a woman with more melanin than me and my neighbors are of all different backgrounds, melanin levels, accents, cultures, religions and political beliefs. They are our friends and we don't have negative, racist feeling about them.

Novkov is possibly a racist because of how she seems to classify a particular group of people. If I had to classify her, I'd put her in the category of 'angry, backward progressive', an oxymoron term that apparently suits her.

Novkov chairs the poli sci department at the State University of New York at Albany. [I abbreviated the department because she thinks in abbreviated ways.] In a recent article for New Political Science, she concludes that Trump supporters having political power is "dangerous."

But she had no problem with Obama handing over pallets of cash in the middle of the night to the Iranian regime.

She defines core Trump supporters as overt racists who view Muslims, Jews, immigrants and blacks as "enemies of the American state" and are "particularly inclined to embrace propaganda," which is itself, propaganda.

She talks of her "beliefs" without providing any tangible facts. She feels therefore she believes:
"I believe that Trumpers--the core supporters Trump has bound to himself through his consistent and persistent messaging--will not accept as legitimate any means through which he departs from the presidency."
The androgynous professor says there aren't any good options for the country with Trump supporters in power. She believes Trump supporters [who she dismissively refers to as 'Trumpers'] "could provoke violence and place the nation in the position of having to engage in its violent suppression."

Novkov feels that Trump supporters will riot when he leaves office no matter what the reason for leaving. She argues that even if Trump finishes a second term, "they [Trump supporters] will vociferously demand that he be permitted a third term," adding that if the pro-Trump response is violent, "state violence will be necessary in response to maintain order."

The possibility also exists that leftists and fascists like Antifa will riot if he's reelected for a second term--there's a likelier probability of that, I feel.

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