Sunday, August 12, 2018

Porn star lawyer claims hd didn't have sex with that woman, Stormy Daniels

His lips are actually sealed
Porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti doth protest too much. The lawyer for Stormy Daniels claims he never engaged in sexual relations with her and denied the idea when asked by SiriusXM host Karen Hunter on Tuesday.

"Here's the answer: absolutely not," he told Hunter as he took a cleansing breath and thought clean thoughts. "I've never had sexual relations with this woman."

"So I've been at this about sex six months in connection with this case and I have to hand it to you," the sleaze-ball added as he nervously laughed at the question, "No one has ever asked me this question." Heh heh.

Avenatti claims he sees the porn star as more of a "sister" and that he was quite familiar with pornography [just check out his internet history] but swore that he went out of his way not to get turned on by her body parts and never viewed her "work."

I believe him--he's too much in heat over himself. I bet he carries a naked photo of himself in his wallet.

But I digress.

Since Stormy [whose real name is "Bubbles Dat Pop" --kidding] first brought a lawsuit against President Trump over a consensual sex claim, [which Trump denies, but nobody cares] demanding she be released from a nondisclosure agreement she signed with him in October 2016, Avenatti has camping out at CNN and other networks that would interview him, which was all of them because it went against the president.

The guy can't get enough of the guy. He takes to TV like Stormy takes to poles. There were even talks of a show with Anthony Scaramucci, a former White House staffer.

Now the bald-headed stooge wants to run for president in 2020. That would be a cable carnival of immense proportions. Imagine him and Trump battling it out.

Daniels claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006 but only signed the nondisclosure agreement under pressure. POTUS has consistently denied any relationship between them, but c'mon. Who cares?

Karen McDougal has also come forward with claims of an affair with "The Donald."

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