Saturday, August 25, 2018

Beto O'Rourke may be first mentally challenged person to run for Senate

A possibly retarded Texas Democrat, Rep. Beto O'Rourke, is running to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz (R). In spite of the lofty position he is seeking, he is unaware of anything "more American" than kneeling in protest during the national anthem.

At a campaign stop in Houston, O'Rourke was asked a question about whether it's disrespectful for NFL players to kneel during the Star Spangled Banner. The low information, possibly retarded candidate said the question raises a "tough issue," because most questions for him are tough.

"The freedom that we have were purchased not just by those in uniform--and they definitely were--but also by those who took their lives into their hands riding those Greyhound buses, the Freedom Riders in the Deep South in the 1960s, who knew full well that they would be arrested, and they were, serving time in the Mississippi State Penitentiary."

Obviously unaware that it was his political party that was arresting the protesters, O'Rourke never realized that he was making a fool of himself to those who know history.

"Peaceful, nonviolent protest including taking a knee at a football game to point out that black men, unarmed [and armed], black teenagers, unarmed [and armed], and black children, unarmed [and shot by other black men for the most part] are being killed at a frightening level right now, including by members of law enforcement [but mostly by other black men, but let's not go there], without accountability [which is bull crap--they are all held accountable for every cop shooting that takes place], and without justice [sometimes yes, sometimes no]," O'Rourke said, managing not to drool all over himself. "And this problem, as grave as it is, is not going to fix itself [and neither is kneeling for the national anthem--it will take intact families and a change in the culture to change things]."

O'Rourke said NFL millionaire players have the right to be frustrated with public officials [especially Democrat mayors in major cities like Chicago] who have been unable to resolve problems with police violence [which is almost non-existent compared to black-on-black violence].

"And so non-violently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching these games [except for those who refuse to take part in this charade], they take a knee to bring our attention and our focus to this problem to ensure that we fix it [but mostly to bring attention to themselves]," O'Rourke said. "That is why they are doing it, [aside from the attention and virtue-signaling] and I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up, or take a knee, for your rights, anytime, anywhere, any place."

Let's see . . . hmmm . . . I think I can think of other instances that might be considered more American than protesting American law enforcement.

The New York Police Department cops who ran into the Twin Towers to rescue people on September 11, 2001, for starters. The FDNY firefighters who did the same.

And those who came from different areas in America to help their fellow Americans were more American.

Then there are those, who after that terror attack, joined the military and risked their lives for America. That's more American and a lot more difficult than going down on one knee for a cause--especially a cause that at best involves a very, very small minority of law enforcement people than the ones who are decent and risk it all every day.

Then there are the Americans who after 9-11 became police officers and firefighters.

The American, Todd Beamer, who along with others on United Airlines Flight 93, prevented Muslim terrorists who commandeered the aircraft from doing more damage than they had planned--specifically, flying the Boeing 757 toward Washington, D.C.  with the White House as the most likely target.

At 9:25 a. m. Flight 93 was above eastern Ohio, and its pilot had radioed Cleveland controllers to inquire about an alert that had been flashed on his cockpit screen "Beware of Cockpit Intrusion." Three minutes later, Cleveland ground heard screams over the plane's open mic and the hijackers, led by Ziad Samir Jarrah, took over the plane's controls after slitting the throats of both pilots. They told the passengers to "Keep remaining sitting--we have a bomb on board."

Beamer was herded to the rear of the plane along with others. He saw the dead pilots behind the drawn curtains.

Within six minutes, the jet changed course and heading toward Washington, D.C. and several passengers made phone calls to loved ones who told them that two planes had already crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

The passengers and crew decided to act. According to cell phone conversations, Beamer, along with Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick formed a plan to take back the jet from the jihadis.

Soon, other passengers joined them, including Lou Nacke, Rich Guadagno, Alan Beaven, Honor Elizabeth Waino, Linda Gronlund, William Cashman, and flight attendants Sandra Bradshaw and Cee Cee Ross-Lyles, in discussing a plan of attack. They ultimately decided to storm the cockpit and take over the plane.

Beamer told Lisa Jefferson, a GTE air-phone supervisor with whom he was on the phone, that the group was planning to "jump on" the hijackers and fly the plane into the ground before the hijackers' plan could be followed through. He recited the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm with Jefferson, prompting others to join in. He told Jefferson: "If I don't make it, please call my family and let them know how much I love them."

After this, Jefferson heard muffled voices and Beamer clearly saying: "Are you ready? Okay. Let's roll."

The rest, we know.

That is more American than taking a damn knee during the national anthem, Mr. O'Rourke.

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