Sunday, July 1, 2018

Whoopi experiencing vaginal delusions

Whoopi Goldberg is having vaginal hallucinations now that the Supreme Court will likely go conservative if POTUS can get a judge confirmed. The fate of carte blanche abortion is on every liberal's emotional mind and it seems as if the left is competing for a non compos mentis  award for who can look the craziest.

The brain-trusts of "The View" are in hot competition for the award as Whoopi  tells President Trump's future Supreme Court Justice pick to "get out of my vagina."

Abortion and Whoopi Goldberg's vagina are a non sequitur. But much of what this shrew says is also divorced from facts, like her long-winded tirade about how Republicans "don't care" about women's rights and will take them away:
"I don't like hearing, again, that I'm trying to take your rights away. I have to tell you, as a woman, I think you're trying to take my rights away. Okay? You don't care.
"And as a person, who believes in the Constitution which tells me that I have the right to be myself and do the things I want to do, and I don't have to listen to what your religion is, and I don't have to listen to what you want it to be I have to make sure that as an American citizen, I'm doing the right stuff and taking care of business.
I don't like this line that I, as a Democrat, or an independent or whatever is trying to take away anything from you. I'm trying to hold onto my personal rights so that you can have the rights you want. See? Because if you take mine, I feel like you're the one with the problem. If you take my right away from me, to judge what I do for my family and my body, I got a little problem with that. You got a problem. You don't want people to take your guns?Get out of my behind! Get out of my vagina! Get out!" 
Meghan McCain, the outnumbered Republican in the group, countered Goldberg's crazy rant saying the Constitution guarantees people their rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and thus includes those rights to the unborn children Whoopi would have killed as if it was her right to do so.

Whoopi Goldberg doesn't understand the Constitution and actually believes it guarantees her the right to have an abortion, even though it's really referring to natural rights we are born with and which the government cannot infringe.

Liberals tend to believe the government is the agency that gives us our rights. The Constitution is clear about this and says that our rights are given to us by God and the government cannot infringe on them. To conservatives, these rights extend to babies in the womb whose only voice is that of us who would spare their lives.

And I cannot imagine any Supreme Court justice who would want to be in Whoopi Goldberg's vagina, much less her behind. I tell you, she's delusional.

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