Tuesday, July 31, 2018

'Nat Geo' is unashamedly fake news personified

To the charlatans at National Geographic, if a lie supports your ideological views, it's okay to use it.

"I'd do it again," said the liar who admitted to pushing the "fake news" story featuring a gut-wrenching video of a starving polar bear and blaming it on climate change.

After an entire year, the fakazine finally admitted to the lie. This was the rag's most viral video in their history. The starving bear is seen amid the narrative that the poor creature's imminent death was caused by a change in the weather.

But the truth is, the story is totally void of actual evidence to make that claim.

"We had lost control of the narrative," the photographer Cristina Mittermeier said, which is a fancy way of saying she lied. She explained the deception in the rag which was titled "Starving-Polar-Bear Photographer Recalls What Went Wrong" for the magazine's hot summer August issue and admitted the images or the emaciated bear were meant to scare folks about climate change and lied again implying that people took the image "literally," as if they should have seen through the lie.

"Photographer Paul Nicklen and I are on a mission to capture images that communicate the urgency of climate change [and not imply that polar bears can die of disease, illness, injury, old age, or poor hunting skills.]

"Documenting its effects on wildlife hasn't been easy," she wrote, implying that, due to the difficulty of honestly documenting and illustrating climate change's effect on wildlife, one is allowed to make crap up to support their message.

I could go on with the balderdash and covering up with what she said, but suffice it to say, there's a reason Trump has gotten so much traction on his claims of "fake news," and why the public no longer trusts journalists.

Not surprisingly, Mittermeier said she'd do it again if she had the chance, since the images pushed a supposed larger truth. Her truth, which is a non sequitur.

And National Geographic is still in business to the real science deniers.

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