Saturday, June 2, 2018

NY Attorney General would prosecute prople twice for the same crime

So Trump pardoned Dinesh D'Souza on Thursday for his campaign finance violation, a crime that rarely ends up with a jail sentence, and Barbara Underwood of the New York State Attorney General's office has a cow.

Underwood immediately tweeted that they would like to pass a[n] unconstitutional state law to incarcerate those who had been pardoned for federal crimes, and when good old 'push comes to shove' they would be happy to violate the U.S. Constitution's prohibition on double jeopardy.

Proving once again that liberals are babies when it comes to not getting their way.

Here's the statement and tweet:
First it was Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Then it was Scooter Libby.

Now it’s Dinesh D’Souza.

We can’t afford to wait to see who will be next. Lawmakers must act now to close New York’s double jeopardy loophole.

There is no loophole in the "double-jeopardy loophole," as she stated. You cannot be prosecuted twice for the same crime or jailed again for the same crime. The reason is to prevent political prosecution of those who have already been acquitted for a crime.

Basically, Underwood is now calling for jailing those she and her party doesn't like politically. Where is the "defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States" in all of this?

The attorney generals' office is supposed to be non-political but it's crystal clear that the New York State AG has been exposed for what she is--a political operative with radical biases that skirt the law.

Maybe Underwood needs to change her name to 'Undermine'.

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