Sunday, May 27, 2018

Counterfeit News Network's April Ryan tweets article about Trump running child-trafficking ring

April Ryan, a Counterfeit News Network (CNN) contributor and White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Network, is being slammed for telling her 336,000 Twitter followers about a story in The Root that asks if Trump's administration is dealing in child trafficking.


Melania Trump rightly criticized Ryan for the tweet and others went on Twitter to do the same.

Stephanie Grisham is the Press Secretary and Communications Director for the First Lady, Melania Trump.

"If you're a journalist w many followers & a @CNNPolitics it ok to retweet any headline you want, regardless of if it's true?" Grisham tweeted, adding that "The core purpose of a journalist is to research, document, write, & present the news in an honest, ethical, & unbiased way."

The headline in The Root article was titled: "Is the Trump administration running a child-trafficking ring or nah? Follow me down the rabbit hole."

Ryan tweeted the article without comment. The Root is an online magazine dealing with the African-American culture.

The Root's political editor Jason Johnson asks why should "alt-righters" have all the fun peddling disproven and unfounded conspiracy theories. He then suggests one of his own.

"Now it turns out that the Trump administration may have an equally implausible conspiracy on its hands: Is the administration involved in child sex trafficking or just white nationalism? Follow me down the rabbit hold and see for yourself," Johnson writes.

Many questioned on Twitter how Ryan, a supposedly "professional" journalist could associate herself with such a story. Well, she was already slammed for saying that Melania Trump was not culturally American.

But I have a theory.

When Ryan was a child growing up in Baltimore, her parents were involved in child sex trafficking and this left an indelible scar on a child who only sought love from her distant parents, both of whom voted Republican.

Her father who refused to pay attention to her but instead took kindly to several young Caucasian girls, created an intense jealousy in her which was expressed as fierce animosity toward father figures [think a US president, for example] and white people.

That's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it.

"This is a horrid excuse for journalism," Tweeted Carmine Sabia, a Christian journalist in New Jersey. "To quasi accuse the president of the United States of running a child trafficking ring is low even for her."

The Root is owned by Univision and CEO Randy Falco was highly critical of Trump during the presidential campaign. 

I know my conspiracy theory is a load of crap, but it's clear that Ryan either did not check out the article in The Root, or checked it out, tweeted it to her followers who she hoped would believe it, and said nothing to implicate her endorsement of the trash.

Ryan is a trash reporter for a pair of trash media outlets that never err on the side of Trump, but always errs against him. 

Not every "fake news" claim made by Trump is valid, but there are plenty enough of them to discredit the mainstream media, and they are losing their audience. 

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