Sunday, March 11, 2018

Elizabeth Warren to milk fake Indian heritage for all it's worth

Elizabeth Warren (aka: Fauxcahontas; aka Pocahontas) lied about being a Native American in order to secure a job that should have gone to a real Native American, but she isn't done using cultural appropriation to suit her purpose.

President Trump called her out on this lie, referring to her as many have as "Pocahontas."

The Massachusetts senator responded to Trump's Pocahontas jibe by using it to highlight the problem of sexual violence against Native American women. She warned that she would use this ploy every time Trump "threw out" such a "racial slur."

But calling Warren 'Pocahontas' isn't a racial slur. Pretending to be a Native American, and even going so far as to contribute a recipe in a Native American cookbook in order to perpetuate her lie, is an insult to the intelligence of her constituency and to genuine Native Americans.

At a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday evening, President Trump spoke about Warren as a potential rival in 2020.

"If I don't win the election, [news] ratings are going to go so far down, they'll be out of business, every one of them," he said. "Can you imagine? Can you imagine covering Bernie [Sanders] or Pocahontas? How bout that?"

Appearing on the Creative News Network (CNN) in the State of the Union on Sunday, Warren said her "family story" was "deeply a part of me." Which means, of course, that she knew all along she wasn't a Native American unless her family is as dishonest as Princess Eagle Fart.

Thankfully, Warren says she isn't running for president in 2020. Perhaps she knows that she'd lose.

Warren added: "I went to speak to Native American leaders and I made a promise to them, that every time President Trump wants to try to throw out some kind of racial slur, he wants to try to attack me, I'm going to try to use it as a chance to lift up their stories," as if Native Americans need a fake Native American to lift up their stories.

"I'm going to do that right now by pointing out that more than half of Native women in this country have been the victims of sexual violence, and more than half of them are attacked by non-natives [as if being attacked by natives is less horrible]. And the American government is doing nothing about this." [Such as what? What is your idea, your plan of attack to this problem, Lizzie?]

"Native American women are subjected to sexual violence at rates much higher than any other group in our country. We need to put some focus on this and we need to make some changes on this. We owe it to people living in Native communities."

But let's not get involved with the female genital mutilation (FGM) issue because it doesn't involve the group whose culture you stole. 

Your hypocrisy is palpable.

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