Thursday, February 8, 2018

With hands all ablur, Pelosi sets a record

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) talked and talked and talked for 8 hours on the House floor on behalf DACA recipients (aka illegal aliens)  and boy, did her hands get tired. 

Pelosi hopes to strengthen the future of the Democratic Party by pretending she cares about DACA illegal aliens beyond their vote.

But the most impressive part of the talking was that she did it in high heels. Some in her party actually define this as 'brave,' in spite of her never have served in the military or worked as a first responder.

The same political geniuses that helped Hillary Clinton lose the election to a politically inexperienced Donald Trump, those amazing Hollywood elites, cheered Pelosi on as if she was doing something wonderful for mankind [or personkind, as that Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, mansplains to a woman who used the word 'mankind'] as she blathered on like 'The Great Zoltan' being fed a million quarters at the Midway Carnival.

Yes, that was a run-on sentence, but I like it.

The incomparable Alyssa Milano and others such as someone named RuPaul, cheered like they'd been touched by a Bieber.
Photo: Getty Images
Pelosi, who is pushing 29,000 days old, spent more than 8 suicide-inducing hours on the house floor reading letters from illegal aliens and begging the GOP Speaker Paul Ryan, to allow a vote on keeping the DACA program alive, even though President Trump already agreed to a number three times greater than the Obama cut-off number that allows them to stay. 

It was Pelosi grandstanding for her home base while pretending to care.

Trying to appeal to the GOP using personal stories that glorify DACA recipients who did well and leaving out DACA recipients who have killed American citizens in various ways, Pelosi spoke of the 900 who joined the military, making it sound as if that number was a significant percentage of the 1.8 million in the program. (By the way, it's 0.05%.)

Well, she finally finished and Twitter nearly caught on fire, like the paper evidence in Hillary's desk drawer.

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