Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kerry becomes Abbas' foreign policy adviser' on Israel and their track team

Former Secretary of State John "Lurch" Kerry blamed the United States for Vietnam atrocities and blamed Israel for Muslim Jew-hatred and failure of the "peace process." Now he's telling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to "Stay strong. Trump will soon be out of office,"Maariv, the Israeli news outlet reported.

Kerry never once called upon the Palestinians to accept the Jewish state of Israel and he has a history of attacking Israeli Jews. He never recognized Israel's right to exist and has never admitted that the actual reason for the existence of the "Palestinians" was to destroy Israel.

As secretary of state, Kerry constantly attacked the Jews living in their homeland and he couldn't stop himself from deriding the tiny country in the Middle East that's surrounded by barbarians who want to destroy them, and said nothing while millions of Syrians were being slaughtered. 

Kerry blamed Israel for the failure of the "two-state solution," in spite of the FACT that it was Israel that repeatedly offered peace deals and even offered Jerusalem in the bargain, which the Palestinians refused as they continued their terror campaign.

But Trump's sane, pro-Israel policies has Kerry advising the leader of the Palestinian terrorist state to "Stay strong," until the president is removed from office.

He has allegedly also bad-mouthed President Trump and told Abbas not to yield to Trump's demands.

How does Kerry 'know' that Trump will be out of office soon? Is he complicit in the attempts to undermine the presidency? Is he conspiring with the Palestinians? The Russians?

Interestingly, Kerry is also considering another coaching position for the Palestinians. He says that he would love to be the next coach of the newly formed Palestinian International track team, The Suicide Bombers

"Every season new runners apply for the team and it is their spirit and commitment to the goal of driving the Israelis out from the river to the sea that makes me want to help," Kerry said.

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