Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Huma Abedin lied to the FBI

Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, lied to the FBI when she claimed she did not back up emails on her now-incarcerated pervert husband, Anthony Weiner's laptop. 

In fact, she DID, according to Dailymail.com after examining the emails released by the State Department. The emails clearly show the backup copies of many of Abedin's work-related messages with Hillary Clinton were created after Clinton left the State Department in early 2013.

The emails that were released at the end of December show that they were put on Weiner's laptop by a BlackBerry archiving program, and such a program has to intentionally be installed and activated in order for the archiving to take place. In other words, Abedin would have to activate the backup program and may have even plugged her device into the laptop, raising questions about her testimony to the FBI and Weiner's libido.

Abedin was Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department at the time and Hillary's closest aide. 

Comey cleared both Clinton and Abedin in the wake of the investigation into Clinton's handling of classified material, which say a lot about the efficacy of the investigation and the veracity of Comey. Hopefully, questions about the former FBI director's decision-making process will be examined by the Department of Justice--but don't hold your breath.

It's also unclear if the FBI agents who examined the emails found in the Weiner laptop in October realized their presence contradicted Abedin's evidence to them and her deposition she made under oath.

"Abedin stated that she lost most of her old emails as a result of the transition [from the State Department].

Notes taken during the FBI interview with Abedin on April 5, 2016 state: 
"She had only accessed clintonemail.com through a web portal and did not have a method for archiving her old emails prior tot he transition."
She gave a similar response when she was deposed under oath by attorneys from Judicial Watch on June 28, 2016:
"With respect to those State Department work-related emails on the Clintonemail.com accounts, what did you do, if anything, to preserve those emails?"
Abedin responded that she "did not do anything to preserve those emails."

She stated:
"The instances where it was Clintonemail to Clintonemail, there were instances where the content of those emails had personal matters in there, and there may have also been State Department matters in there, too. It was a--a combination. But I did not--I did not preserve those emails."
And Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman . . . Miss Lewinski.

Except that he did and Abedin did.

The classified messages included discussions on Israel and other Middle Eastern issues from 2010, 2011 and 2012.

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