Tuesday, December 5, 2017

They all knew about Lauer

They knew. They had to know the reason that Matt Lauer gave his penis a name was because he didn't want a stranger making all his decisions.

The media laughed their collective butts off at a 2008 Lauer "secret" roast where the jokes centered around Lauer's office sexual behavior with coworkers, his marital situation and his generally deviant past.

I will not go into what was said because I value my blog and don't want to lose it, but you can go here to Fox News and get the idea of how it went.

The jokes weren't just sexual in nature, they were also sexist, homophobic, racist and quite obscene. There can be little doubt that the "surprised" folks at NBC weren't really surprised at all.

Joe Scarborough attended the secret roast but claimed he left early, feeling uncomfortable and brought it up on "Morning Joe," a TV show evidently. Scarborough said that Lauer's peccadillos were not just known about--at the time, they were celebrated.

"The whole theme was that he does the show and then he has sex with people, with employees," Scarborough said. "So was this whispered behind closed doors? No. It was shouted from the mountain tops and everybody laughed about it."

Some of those in attendance in 2008 at the Friar's Club roast at the New York Hilton included: Donald Trump, Norman Lear, Diane Sawyer, Brian "I Saved America" Williams and Howard Stern. Other top executives from across the business were also there and just about all the upper mucky mucks at NBC.

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