Friday, December 8, 2017

Rep. Farenthold under House Ethics Committee investigation

Rep. Brent Farenthold (R.-Tx.) is now under a House Ethics Committee investigation over allegations that he sexually harassed a former aide and then retaliated when she complained about it.

Last week, Politico reported that a $84,000 taxpayer-funded sexual harassment settlement was paid by the Office of Congressional Ethics in 2014 after allegations were made against the congressman.

Now that he's been outed, Farenthold said this week that he will repay the money he misused for his personal legal needs. He didn't exactly put it in those terms, but you get the idea.

"I want to be clear that I didn't do anything wrong, but I also don't want taxpayers to be on the hook for this," the sleazeball said, after letting three years go by before he decided he didn't want the taxpayers to be on the hook.

Drain the swamp.

The historically useless panel will also examine whether  Farenthold discriminated against the staffer on the basis of her gender, and if he retaliated against her for complaining of discriminatory conduct. They will also investigate as to whether he made additional inappropriate statements to other staffers.

Rep. Mia Love (R.-UT) was the second House Republican to call on Farenthold to resign on Thursday after Rep. Barbara Comstock (R.-Va.) was the first.

Bech K. Brunn, chairman of the Texas Water Development Board resigned from his post and appears to be running for Farenthold's seat if he's unseated.

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