Thursday, December 7, 2017

Property board tears down church Nativity scene

Oceanside, Calif. -- Pastor Mike Openshaw of Lighthouse Christian Church said the president of the Ranch Maintenance Agreement Board took it upon himself to personally tear down the nativity scene in front of the church and he let it lay in heap behind the church building over property lines. 

This came after a series of contradicting messages from the board, according to NBC.

According to Openshaw, the board, which manages the land in front of the church, emailed him demanding the nativity scene be removed. They next called and apologized for the message. Then finally called to inform him the president was tearing the Nativity down.

Openshaw told NBC, "I raced up here and he was already gone, and I found the Nativity behind the monument in a jumble all disconnected and no one was here. He had come and gone quickly."

Church congregants held a demonstration in front of the church Sunday to protest the destruction of their Nativity scene, claiming that the property association violated their religious liberty.

Which, of course they did.

"This is Christmas time--to put up a Nativity is common. It's normal," Openshaw told NBC.

The problem began in October when church members set up the Nativity scene to cover up their church sign after a truck crashed into it. Openshaw filed an insurance claim, but the property association said the church had to repair the sign since it was on church property. The association has since reversed their claim, according to Openshaw, saying that the property actually belongs to the board.

Openshaw reached out to city officials and is waiting for them to officially identify the property line.

Merry Christmas ranch Maintenance Agreement Board. You apparently are disagreeable and you kind of suck.

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