Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Obama EPA regs based on 'junk science' ?

"Scientific" studies used by the Obama administration to justify ridiculous environmental regulation are actually being examined for their veracity as critics question their merit while the Trump EPA reverses of delays some of those rules, Fox News reported.

In one case, the Environmental Protection Agency never complied with a congressional subpoena for the data used to justify most Obama administration air quality rules. And Congress sat on their collective hands and did nothing while the law was being laughed at.

In another case, it was determined that research supporting a ban on a particular pesticide was probably bogus, similar to the: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor . . . period," line of bull pucks.

"EPA regulations are based on secret data developed in the 1990s," said Steve Milloy, who served as President Trump's EPA transition team. "For the EPA, coming up with cherry-picked data is standard operating procedure," he told Fox News.

Milloy wrote: "Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA." He is an attorney and worked for the Securities and Exchange Commission and is a critic who accuses federal agencies of selecting the research that fits their political agenda.

To deal with corruption, in October, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a directive to ensure that those who serve on EPA advisory committees aren't eligible for EPA grants and are free from potential conflicts of interest.

"Whatever sciences comes out of EPA, shouldn't be political science," Pruitt said in a statement. "From this day forward, EPA advisory committee members will be financially independent from the agency."

Gee, what a novel idea.

But of course, environmental groups blasted that decision based on their own self-interests.

For more on the EPA and how the Trump administration is changing the game, go to Fox News.  

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