Sunday, December 10, 2017

'Dancing Hands' Pelosi says Trump is a neophyte

House Minority Leader Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi (D-Calif.), in a profile she was able to get published because she probably had someone help her to write it, criticized President Trump and his early days in office. As in Obama's case, Pelosi suggested Trump's "lack of knowledge" for the role as president was tantamount to someone without a medical degree "being asked to perform brain surgery."

If President Trump had to perform brain surgery on Pelosi, it would have been even more difficult just finding its location. He might have needed the skill of a proctologist to assist him.

"The bigger problem, the thing people need to understand, is that he was utterly unprepared for this," she said without comparing him to the former president's lack of experience and all other presidents in their first term.

But she blathered on: It would be like you or me going into a room and being asked to perform brain surgery. When you have a lack of knowledge as great as his, it can be bewildering. At first, there was a thread of being an imposter that may have been in his mind. He's overcome that by now."

My question is: how can you have a lack that is 'great' if it's a lack?

It's amazing how many apparent mindreaders there are in politics. Pelosi guesses what 'may have been in his mind.'

Fox News wrote: 
Pelosi, who has had an on-and-off political relationship with Trump, also suggested that perhaps even Trump at first couldn't reconcile how a first-time candidate upset a political veteran like Democrat Hillary Clinton to become president, but that he has since found some footing.
Being a first time candidate beating a political veteran like Democrat Hillary Clinton, simply proves Pelosi's point is wrong. It takes an understanding of the pulse of the nation to do well as a candidate--Trump knows the pulse better than Clinton ever will.

Pelosi writes as if she has an intimate relationship with Trump's personality and his mind. If he were Harry Reid, maybe I'd buy that--I suspect Nancy Pelosi has always wanted to have Harry's baby. 

See, I can read minds too.

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