Friday, December 8, 2017

BREAKING: Moore accuser omitted telling us something about her yearbook

Photo: Getty Image
UPDATE: It was just learned that Fox News has issued a correction to their headline (see their original headline below) regarding this story. It now reads: "BREAKING NEWS:Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama senate candidate."

Breaking: Beverly Young Nelson, the woman who accused Judge Roy Moore, the Republican who is running for the Alabama Senate seat, of molesting her when she was 16-years-old and showed her school yearbook with Moore's signature to prove her connection to him, admitted that she had written the alleged time and location of the signature below the signature.

The now not so young Moore accuser said of his denial "That really hurt me. God knows, and Roy knows, and I know what happened . . . He did sign it," she said. 

When asked by a reporter if it was she who made the notes underneath, she answered, "Yes."

Beverly Young Nelson and her publicity hound lawyer Gloria Allred did not reveal that little tidbit of information when they originally showed the yearbook, and Allred should be ashamed, but she has no conscience so shame is not a possible emotion for her.

Now one wonders whether any of the other writing was tampered with, but honesty and openness is too much to ask for when your motives are political and monetary, it seems.

The fact that Nelson wrote the time and location under Moore's signature and failed to disclose it to the public, pegs the date to Nelson's memory without acknowledging that Moore didn't date the signature at the outset.

Fox News went into full right-wing mode stating: "Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook."

That's kind of going overboard with the facts. But Moore supporters were looking for something to suit their needs of supporting the alleged sexual predator--Nelson and Allred obliged them.

It's false to say Nelson admitted she "forged" the yearbook. She insists the note and signature from Moore are authentic. Moreover, there's another woman who claims to have a copy of a graduation card with Moore's signature.

And worst of all, there's another woman who alleges Moore molested her when she was 14, and other women have said that Moore tried to date them when he was in his early 30s and they were underage.

So the truth as we know it is that Nelson wrote in her yearbook without revealing it, which can raise some doubts about her overall credibility, but, she did not admit to forging Moore's signature or his note.

Sorry Alabama conservatives--vote for Moore if your conscience can allow it, but don't pretend he's as clean as a whistle or say "If they can do it, so can we." 

If your conscience tells you it's better to have an alleged child molester from decades ago than a current late-term abortion supporter, I can understand that, and at least you're being honest.

But let us not be like the liberals who defended Conyers and Franken until they didn't because it was politically unfeasible. 

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