Monday, October 30, 2017

Kathy Griffin's lament

From the planet Dork
Kathy Griffin is still refusing to put her poor judgment aside and is once again on the warpath against her detractors (aka the world).

The so-called comedienne attacked Harvey Levin of TMZ, attorney Lisa Bloom and Hollywood in a video. 

"I'm on Interpol Watch List," she complained and said "Authorities detain me at airports."

Poor baby . . . literally. She's a baby and she isn't getting advert gigs--not that she's really poor, but her judgment certainly is as her Trump beheading photo shows.

On the video, she put on Levin's voicemail he left her which included his phone number--another example of bad judgment and vindictiveness.

She called out people for doxxing her after she did the Trump 'head shot.' Some internet nuts put her family's personal information online which, she said, resulted in death threats to her mother and sister. I suspect the same people who made those threats would be outraged if the shoe was on the other foot.

Then Griffin went after Andy Cohen, her former boss of the show "My Life on the D-List." She said he was a "miserable boss." This is where her crybaby personality exposes itself.

At the end of the video she said she's on Interpol watch list and was on a 'No Fly' list for two months. "I was also on the no fly list. I've been detained alone at every single airport I've gone to," she whined. 

She also said she's on the "5 eyes list," (FVEY) an intelligence alliance between Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the USA.

Maybe the beheading photo had something to do with that.

Kathy Griffin is a fool who's too stupid to know that she's a fool.

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