Saturday, October 28, 2017

First they came for our statues . . .

Now that the North American movement to remove all traces of offensive history (most recently the memorial marking the pew where slave owner and the first U.S. President George Washington sat in church over 200 years ago with his family) it's time for us to get serious with all offensive reminders from every American who ever offended anyone. 

Specifically, we must rid Facebook of all white men who ever told a sexual joke, masturbated to Playboy Magazine or used the "N" word. All photos must be taken down, and any mention of them by name must be taboo and they should be shamed forever more.

Next, we need to sort through our memories of those liberals, white, black, brown or otherwise, who ever told a racist/racial joke, wore a Halloween costume of a culture not their own, and made fun of anyone for any reason at any time.

Next, we need to speak out against groups that are misogynistic and treat women as lower forms of life. 

Specifically, we need to speak out against those people who practice sharia law and Islamic countries that practice it and refuse to give women the same rights as men. 

A good way to begin this process is to do the same thing to mosques that leftists and college students do to statues of dead slave owners who are part of the history of this country. 

In fact, misogyny still exists while slavery in the United States does not, so it's important the left speak out immediately against the misogyny of Islamic law.

What's that sound?

Oh, it's George Washington rolling over in his grave over selective outrage.

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