Friday, August 4, 2017

Two NYPD cops denied their donuts

An under-qualified employee at a New York City Dunkin' Donuts is accused of telling two police officers "I don't serve cops," as reported by the New York Post. 

President of the Detectives' Endowment Association Michael Palladino calls the discriminatory behavior of the employee "disgraceful" and called for a boycott of Dunkin' Donuts.

"I assume it is an isolated incident. Nevertheless, Dunkin' Donuts corporate should issue an apology to the NYPD and until that happens, I have asked detectives and their families to refrain from patronizing the stores."

Palladino believes the city's political leaders are also partly to blame for what happened with that barista and two of New York City's Finest. He says the politicians have "encouraged this type of behavior by constantly demonizing cops and pushing their decriminalization agenda. It's time for the same politicians to step up, take some responsibility and condemn what occurred."

Here's what allegedly occurred: a little past noon on Sunday, two NYPD officers in plainclothes assigned to the 73rd Precinct's detective squad entered Dunkin' Donuts at 1993 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. 

They wore dress pants, shirts and ties, badges and pistols on their belts, and waited in line to order.

Their mission in being there was to acquire ice cream at the Baskin-Robbins.

When they reached the counter, the cretin-like clerk ignored them and instead, asked the customer behind the pair what they wanted. The customer said the police were there before him but the clerk replied, "Yeah, I know, but I don't serve cops," according to the New York Post. 

A store manager, whose hopes and dreams of becoming a famous actor were shattered by a serious lacking of talent, disputed the incident. He claimed that, according to security video, the cops were waiting at the wrong counter--they were at the counter where one picks up their order rather than placing it.

"You can see on the security tape: they stand here for five minutes, while other customers were being served. One customer even ordered ice cream, and they must've not liked that because they left the store," the told the Post. 

The manager refused to give his name to the Post and also refused to allow them to view the video because he may have been lying, which was easy to discern because of his poor acting abilities. 

But just for the fun of it, let's call the manager 'Vinny Boombots'.

'Vinny' said the store began receiving phone calls from other cops, asking why they didn't serve two officers. "And I kept trying to explain that we serve everyone; we have nothing but respect for the police, and that they were standing at the wrong counter. It was busy at the time, and we were busy serving customers," he said, (not adding that they, as detectives, should have figured out which line was which).

On Thursday, an NBC News Radio "reporter" posted a tweet with a statement from Dunkin' Donuts regarding the incident:
"Dunkin' Donuts is aware of the recent situation at a franchise in Brooklyn and we continue to monitor this matter. The franchisee who owns and operates this restaurant informed us immediately upon learning of this situation earlier this week, he contacted one of the police officers involved to personally apologize for any negative experience he may have had in his store. Dunkin' Donuts has a long history of supporting local law enforcement and all those who do so much to ensure the safety of our neighborhoods and our country. Our franchisees are committed to serving each and every guest with respect and courtesy. The franchisee of the Brooklyn restaurant is meeting with the police officer he spoke to earlier this week in person to hopefully bring this to a satisfactory conclusion for all involved."
A satisfactory conclusion would be to make it illegal to refuse service to any group of people, be they police, other first responders, Trump supporters, conservatives, military, old white men, religious people of any faith and people of any race.

And any scumtruffle who refuses to serve them should not only be fired, but prosecuted and forced to memorize the U.S. Constitution before being released from prison.

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