Friday, June 9, 2017

Rosie O'Donnell supports a traitor

Rosie O'Donnell believes the leaker of classified information potentially dangerous to the United States, is a "brave, young patriot."

Yes, Reality Winner, 25, is a fine, young traitor and her looks should not deceive anyone, including Rosie, who prefers the company of women over men, and hates President Trump altogether.

Calling Winner 'brave' is about as brave as a Hollywood celebrity insulting President Trump. 

It's braver to defend him.

The hefty, mostly obnoxious O'Donnell tweeted Thursday: "i support reality winner speak truth to power #resist #womenUNITE" and added a link to a GoFundMe page to raise money for the seditionist.  

O'Donnell also defended Winner when a tweet accused the 25-year-old scum got herself into trouble by being "careless."

O'Donnell put down her ice cream tub long enough to tweet: "Brave not careless."

She also bragged between bites that she donated $1,000 to the young traitor. 

The traitor, a government contractor, remains locked up on federal charges that she mailed a classified report to an online news outlet, The Intercept, and they believed (correctly) the material she sent them might be classified and turned them over to the proper authorities.

The government announced her arrest on Monday.

I wonder if Rosie O'Donnell supports the Taliban and Iran like Winner supports them. If so, they should go to Iran or Afghanistan and have a nice 'meet up' with them.

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