Monday, June 26, 2017

Obama officials leak like a toddler's broken diaper

Obama mignons are leaking anti-Trump information and in the process are endangering U.S. and allied military and intelligence operations. According to some U.S. officials, this is igniting anger and concern and something needs to be done to put an end to it.

The classified leaks are being given to leftist journalists by former Obama administration officials, some who have left the government and some who are holdovers that Trump needs to deal with. These leakers have damaged a number of ongoing operations such as our efforts to prevent Russian infiltration of the U.S. to Israel's efforts against the Islamic State sources said.

Even the uber liberal Washington Post disclosed classified secrets as part of a larger story about Obama's cyber efforts against Russia. Just days prior to that, a New York Times story revealed details of a secret Israeli cyber operation that President Trump is believed to have leaked to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

There used to be a time when journalists were sensitive about sensitive information--especially information that could compromise the lives of intelligence personnel. Now it seems they'll do whatever it takes to destroy Trump and damn the collateral damage.

The sensitivity of the information being leaked has increased criticism against Obama officials who are believed to be leaking these secrets, and the Trump administration for its apparent inability to plug the leaks.

The anger is so intense that many current U.S. officials are naming some of the former Obama people they think are behind the leaks, which the Trump administration say are aimed at kneecapping his administration and also rewriting the record of the Obama years.

"They [former Obama officials] offer ridiculous explanations about why Obama couldn't act more forcefully, and then they apparently leak even more information about certain U.S. measures they claim have been taken against Russia," on senior U.S. official said. "The publication of this information, if it's true, could do some damage to our national security, but the sources don't seem to mind doing that if it helps advance their political narrative."

This has got to stop for the sake of the country. 

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