Monday, June 5, 2017

Corbyn: May "protect[s] public on the cheap"

London -- Crap-weasel and Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn accused Prime Minister Theresa May of protecting the public "on the cheap" by cutting police budgets. 

The anti-Semitic socialist Corbyn promised that he would increase the police force and give pay raises to those already serving, in his first speech since the London Bridge and London Borough Islamic terror attacks.

Speaking Sunday night, less than a day after three scumcrumpets killed seven and injured forty-eight people, the leftist slug sought to assuage concerns about his own stance on police shoot-to-kill policies by backing them up (finally) for them to use "whatever force is necessary to protect and save life."

After the third terror attack in as many months in the U.K., this issue will undoubtedly take center stage in Thursday's general election.

If Corbyn should win, England is doomed to become a blood pudding caliphate because for all his talk, Corbyn is sympathetic to the Muslim cause.

"We must resist Islamophobia and division," the idiot Corbyn began, "and, yes, we do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that have funded and fueled extremist ideology." 

Thus proving he will say anything to win.

Corbyn pledged to commission a report from the security services on the changing nature of the terror threat on day one in office, if, God forbid, he becomes prime minister this week.

Let's face it, Theresa May is quite naive about Islamic terrorism and reduced the police force by 20,000, but Corbyn would be like a Manchurian Candidate if he got the job, in spite of the fact that he's correct regarding he reduction in security expenditures.

"Our priority must be public safety and I will take whatever action is necessary and effective to protect the security of our people and our country. That includes full authority for the police to use whatever force is necessary to protect and save life as they did last night as they did in Westminster in March," he said, using the latest attack to his political advantage as several dozen people lie in critical condition in the hospital.

"You cannot protect the public on the cheap. The police and security services must get the resources they need, not 20,000 police cuts."

Corbyn went on to say that May had been warned by the police officer's staff association, the Police Federation, about the impact the cuts of officer numbers would have and he quoted her accusation in May of 2015 that police were "crying wolf" in the way they expressed concerns.

It may make May look weak and dismayed, but in a time of global terrorism, now may not be the time to cut police. Also, the fact that only four percent of U.K. police carry firearms, that should be an alarm bell for a change in policy. It's absolutely crazy not to have police carry a firearm.

Corbyn also attacked the language May used in her Downing Street address in which she said the country had shown "too much tolerance of extremism" and that fighting it would require "some difficult and often embarrassing conversations" within the public sector and wider society. Quoting May he said that the "difficult conversations" were with Saudi Arabia and May suppressing a report on foreign funding for extremist groups.

Those are strong accusations.

"We must resist Islamophobia and division and turn out on 8 June united in our determination to show our democracy is strong. And yes," Corbyn said, "we do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that have funded and fueled extremist ideology."

Corbyn attacked President Trump as well and stood by London's Labor mayor, Sadiq Khan. Trump criticized Khan on Twitter for reassuring Londoners that extra armed police on the streets was "no reason to be alarmed."

Corbyn said, "At this time it is more important than ever that we stay united in our communities. It is the strength of our communities that gets us through these awful times as London Mayor Sadiq Khan recognized, but which the current occupant in the White House has neither the grace nor the sense to grasp."

Except that Trump is correct. People need to be vigilant and being alarmed creates vigilance. It was Sadiq Khan who said that terrorism in large cities has become the norm and we should get used to it.

Corbyn is actually soft on Islamic terrorism. He doesn't even like to use the word Islamic. He is sympathetic to Hamas and is no friend to the Jews in the U.K. and has been called out on it.

As I've said, if Corbyn wins, England is going to have a lot more problems than it now has, and wow, it sure has a lot of problems today.

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