Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Maxine Waters unplugged

"I got bigger hands than Trump"
We need to get to the bottom of this and arrest whoever is responsible. I'm talking about the person responsible for cutting off U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters' microphone as she attempted to babble her anti Trump non-sequiturs at the California Democratic Party African American Caucus on Saturday. 

Imagine the audacity someone had to keep a true socialist from speaking--it's, it's, it's deplorable is what it is!

After all, Waters won a distinguished award from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington . The award was for the most corrupt politician on Capitol Hill--seriously.

That's an award that takes courage and cunning. That's an award more Democrats strive for and deserve.

"This is a very unusual situation, and we are collectively trying to figure out a path forward to address what happened and make sure these things do not happen in the future," Caucus Chairman Darren Parker said, making a veiled reference to the Marxist 'collective.' 

Waters, a 14 term professional politician, was in the middle of an anti Trump speech when she was approached by a man who appeared to work for the convention center.

"Hey, leave her alone," shouted an audience leftist as he interrupted to speak with her privately, which prompted Parker to get the man away from her.

"That's all right; that's okay--they try to shut me up all the time," Waters said, referring to white Republican men. The crowd went berserk, but it wasn't a far stretch for them to get there.

But soon thereafter, her microphone went dead, sending the room of about 300 angry Democrats into a state of even more confusion than where they were at when having arrived at the convention center.

That didn't stop Waters from getting the crowd to mindlessly chant "Impeach 45."

They thought she meant to add a peach flavor to Colt 45.

A manager for the Sacramento Convention Center said that the contractors who pulled the microphone plug on the event weren't center employees and now the hunt is on to bring that man to justice.

"Kill him! Kill him!" they shouted.

The California Democratic Party African American Caucus asks that if you have any information as to who may have pulled the plug on Waters, to please contact your local FBI office.

"Freedom of speech is a sacred thing," Waters began, "except if you're a damn right wing nut."

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