Friday, April 21, 2017

Elizabeth Warren may be running for POTUS in 2020

Sen. Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren stated emphatically that she is not running for president in 2020. Translation: Elizabeth Warren is probably running for president in 2020. 

Warren, who lied about her Native American heritage to Harvard University where she taught. 

In 2012, The Boston Herald noted that the Harvard Crimson reported in 1998 that she was the university's only tenured minority as a "Native American." When the report came out, Warren initially claimed that she was unaware as to why she was listed as a Native American.

But soon she had to spin the story. She claimed that there was "family lore" about her alleged Native American heritage. 

One story was that her "Aunt Bea" supposedly spoke about her "pappaw's" "high cheekbones." [It's a wonder she didn't conjure up a brother named Opie.]

 The other story was that family tensions over her father's family's disapproval of her mother's part-Cherokee and Delaware blood. They had to elope and keep the secret as to mom's heritage.

But Legal Insurrection's William Jacobson explored Warren's stories and found no evidence that they were legitimate.

The Aunt Bea story was delved into by Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes and she found that Aunt Bea's death certificate listed her as "White," not "American Indian" by Elizabeth Warren herself.

The family tensions argument was also looked into:

Warren's parents married in 1932 in a church near their home town by a respected and prominent pastor, who was not likely to marry runaways seeking to elope. In fact, the witness on the marriage certificate was a family friend of Warren's mother--not some stranger rounded up by the pastor last minute for an elopement.

The couple returned home and the marriage was announced in the local paper with extensive descriptions of the prominence of the families in the local business community.

So Elizabeth Warren has a rather poor relationship with the truth.

In an interview with MSNBC's Rachel "I-Have-Trump's-Tax-Returns" Maddow on Wednesday, the question as to whether she will run in 2020 came up. 

"If you were running for president in 2020," Maddow began, "you would not want to talk about it now, with me or anybody else, is that true?"

"That is true," Warren replied. "But let me be clear, I am not running for president in 2020," she lied.

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