Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump meets the spook agency

Langley, VA -- Vice President Pence introduced President Donald Trump at the CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia at 3:19 p.m. 

When he appeared, Mr. Trump got a loud round of applause from the crowd. This was his first official stop and it seemed to be appreciated.

He said that nobody feels more strongly about the CIA than him. "I am so behind you. And i'm going to give you so much backing and you're gonna say 'we don't need so much backing' which made the crowd laugh at the remark that was remarkably similar to the "Win, win, win" remark he made on the campaign trail. 

He believed that almost everyone in the room voted for him, "because [we're] on the same wavelength," he said. 

"We have to get rid of ISIS. We have no choice. Radical Islamic terrorism has to be eradicated--this is evil, this is evil." This drew loud applause and positive shouts of approval.

He introduced Gen. Mike Flynn and Reince Priebus who were with him, and spoke of Mattis and Kelly who were approved for the cabinet positions. 

Trump also mentioned that Mike Pompeo didn't get confirmed yet for the CIA position because of the politics involved, but that Pompeo is a great choice to head the agency explaining that he was first in his class at West Point and excels at everything he does.

He spoke about the media and how they lie about him. For example, he said the media reported that only about 250,000 people showed up for his inauguration speech on Friday but he believes it was more like a million and a half, which led him to speak about other media mistreatment he received.

It was all rather trivial talk that we've heard before.

He told the CIA "I love you, I respect you; there's no one I respect more. We're going to be leading again and you're going to be leading the charge."

I suspect he was being hyperbolic, as usual, about respecting them more than anyone else.

It seems to me that President Trump is attempting to repair the past in terms of how he went against our intelligence community when it came to the Russian hacking. 

It was a smart move.

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