Saturday, January 21, 2017

Madonna's a real crass act

Madonna, an old 58-year-old, is doing everything she can to be relevant and edgy but it turns out she's as relevant as an encyclopedia to a worm and as edgy as a bubble. She appeared at the Women's March in Washington DC and made it clear that she is extremely upset over President Donald Trump's inauguration and title.

The once-relevant singer and "Strumpet to the Bars" didn't hold back with her vulgarity and disrespect to the office of the presidency.

"I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House," she said. She then began dropping the "F word" and other vulgarity in an anemic attempt to sound 'cool.' 

Rather than performing a sex act on something or someone she sang "Express Yourself" and "Human Nature," during which she led the frenetically emotional crowd in the chant: "I'M NOT YOUR BITCH!"

She refused to reveal whose bitch she is, but that will likely become public soon enough for anyone who cares about the desperate has-been.

Others appeared on stage including Janet Mock, Alicia Keyes and everyone's favorite woman advocate, Michael Moore, who ate the stage.

I wonder, can Madonna be arrested for her not so veiled threat about blowing the White House up?

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