Being that this is my first posting on Canadian Brain Flushings, I thought I'd go right to the top of Canadian government and write about our new liberal Prime Minister, Justin "Pretty Boy" Trudeau.
Trudeau told the House of Commons Tuesday that the main reason he attends those posh fundraisers thrown by the Pierre Trudeau Foundation isn't for his benefit, it's to "create economic growth for the middle class."
Yes, the common folk.
Justin renounced his official position of the Foundation when he became the leader of the Liberal Party, but admitted he allowed fundraiser attendees to lobby him there, which is a clear violation of Liberal Party bylaws.
Shades of Hillary Clinton.
And like US liberals, Trudeau had nothing but nice things to say about Cuba's Castro dictators, two guys who killed thousands upon thousands of Cubans, and impoverished the Communist island nation. The Liberal Party approval has dropped nine percentage points to Trudeau's credit.
After being confronted by Conservative Party leader Rona Ambrose in the House of Commons, Trudeau said that his presence at the fundraisers was a ploy to defend middle class interests.
"When did money become more important than the integrity of his office?" Ambrose asked.
"No matter where I am or who I am talking to I always talk about the same thing: The fact that our priorities are to create economic growth for the middle class," he answered, then denied any involvement in the foundation in spite of having attended questionable foundation fundraisers.
One fun fundraiser cost $1500 an entry and was attended by Chinese Communist millionaires. They all donated to the Trudeau Foundation soon after partying with Justin. After some time, Justin visited China and, the "human rights" dude that he is, he simply forgot to criticise the nation on their horrible human rights record.
Instead, Justin "did an Obama" and criticised his own country in Hong Kong where he "talked about the fact that Canada is not immune to criticisms on human rights either" with Chinese Communist leaders.
He previously bragged about his ability to get Chinese business leaders to deal with Canada. He said, on the same Hong Kong trip where he criticised our human rights record, "We needed to renew and deepen the relationship between the people of Canada and people of China for the long term and I think it's safe to say we have accomplished just that."
Highly suspicious donations were found by the National Post after Trudeau rose to the head of the Liberal Party in 2013:
Donations went from $172,211 in fiscal 2014 to $731,753 in fiscal 2016. From 2008 to 2013, the Trudeau Foundation had no (zero, zip, nada) foreign donations, but it brought in $53,000 in fiscal 2014 and jumped to $535,000 in fiscal 2016.
When these donations were discovered, it was then the Trudeau acknowledged that he has been lobbied at these fundraisers and engaged in unauthorized political discussions with donors.
The bylaws of the Liberal Party are very clear: "Fundraising events are partisan functions where we do not discuss government business." It also states that "any individual who wishes to initiate a policy discussion is immediately directed to instead make an appointment with the relevant office."
The bylaws of the Liberal Party are very clear: "Fundraising events are partisan functions where we do not discuss government business." It also states that "any individual who wishes to initiate a policy discussion is immediately directed to instead make an appointment with the relevant office."
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