Thursday, December 1, 2016

RI store owner should've burned a flag instead of hanging Hillary doll

This is not OK
A Rhode Island store owner was attacked on social media for displaying a plush Hillary Clinton toy and dangling it from a hook beside a "Make America Great Again" sign inside his establishment.

The Providence Journal, a liberal rag that openly supported Hillary Clinton for president, reports that online comments grew after a woman posted on Facebook about the "Lyin' Hillary Doll" at the Smithfield store owned by Tony Polseno Jr.

Polseno said that a customer had bought the doll and gave it to him. When squeezed, the doll says statements such as: "Not a single on of my emails was classified," and other Hillary lies.
This is OK

Some online liberals were offended by the placement of the doll, but Polseno said the doll wasn't meant to be offensive and the comments reflect a misunderstanding, adding that the online comments were a "cyber attack."

It's obvious that if Polseno had burned an American flag at the entrance to his store there would be plenty of libtards there cheering him on. But to desecrate Hillary Clinton like that, well that's just unacceptable.

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