Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Faithless elector" is a lie erector

There are a handful of electors who say they will not cast their electoral vote for Donald Trump. My theory is that these electors who refuse to follow the will of their constituents are doing it to pick up women, but I know they'll deny that.

The Republican "faithless elector" gained his 15 minutes of fame when he wrote a blistering op-ed swearing that he will not vote for President-elect Trump in the Electoral College. After he wrote the piece for The New York Times, he started getting more closely scrutinized over some of the claim he made of having been a firefighter on 9/11--another ploy to get himself some unsolicited sex.

Christopher Suprun, a Texas elector, wrote the piece on December 5th entitled "Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump." He cites his past as a firefighter on 9/11 as one reason for not voting for Trump on December 19th, although his state of Texas voted overwhelmingly for Trump on Election Day.

"Fifteen years ago, as a firefighter, I was part of the response to the Sept. 11 attacks against our nation. That attack and this year's election may seem unrelated, but for me the relationship becomes clearer every day," the lying Suprun wrote, as a way of meeting "Miss Right."

He then goes on to call upon fellow Republican electors to deny Trump his needed 270 votes to win the White House, and asks that they back Gov. John Kasich, who has publicly made it clear he doesn't want the job.

As it turns out, the Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA reported that Suprun's LinkedIn page claims he was part of Manassas Fire Department in Sept. 2001, but discovered he wasn't part of that Fire Dept. until October 10th, and cited an anonymous first responder who knew Suprun and contradicted his claims. But this wasn't his only lie. 

"He claimed to be a first responder with the Manassas Park Fire Department on September 11, 2001 and personally told us stories 'I was fighting fire that day at the Pentagon.' No, I was on a medic unit that day at the Pentagon and you make a phone call to Manassas Park and you find out that he wasn't even employed there until October 2001," the source said.

Even if Suprun actually was hired by Manassas Park before 9/11, the fire chief there told WFAA that their department didn't respond to the Pentagon that horrible day.

The guy is a piece of work. He continued lying to try and cover up his first lie. Like the source told WFAA, it's the same thing as "stolen valor for the military."

Even now, his LinkedIn profile says that he's currently a paramedic with Freedom EMS in Dallas. WFAA did their research and found that no such company exists. A spokeswoman for Air Methods ambulance service, where Suprun's LinkedIn also claims he works said that he isn't employed there either.

Thus far, Suprun is the only elector to announce publicly that he intends to change his vote for Trump. He was hoping that his newly-found fame would get him a hot date--but all it has gotten him was outed.

Hey, New York Times, look up the word: 'vetting.' No wonder you're failing. 

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