Friday, November 25, 2016

PA town paints blue stripe to honor cops but there's a problem

Bainbridge, PA -- A central Pennsylvania community painted a blue stripe between the double-yellow lines on some of their streets in honor of first responders: police, firefighters and ambulence workers.

However, the Penn. Department of Transportation is concerned that the Conoy Township might have gone too far.

The problem is, the stripe is out of compliance with state highway rules and Greg Penny, PennDOT spokesperson says that drivers could get confused and the township could be liable if the coloring causes a crash.

The New York City Marathon had the same problem.

The New York Road Runners Club, the organization that puts on the 26.2 mile event every year around the first Sunday in November, paints a blue stripe that begins at the foot of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and runs through all five New York City Boroughs.

The stripe is painted around mid-October causing cars, trucks and buses to run amok onto curbs, into buildings, and along one-way streets the wrong way.

Thousands of people are injured and confused as to what exactly they should do about that blue stripe.

But the Conoy Township supervisor chairman Stephen Mohr disagrees that the blue stripe could be a distraction in spite of all the mayhem and death preceeding the NYC Marathon.

In spite of all the evidence, the township has no plans of removing this horrible distraction and will honor their first responders in spite of all the evidence.

May God protect the township of Conoy.

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