Sunday, November 20, 2016

Kanye loses his (expletive)

Kanye West went bat crap crazy at a song anemic concert in Sacramento just days after telling his audience that he would have voted for Donald Trump but didn't know how. He later cancelled a Sunday performance in the LA area.

West went into a tirade that lasted more than 10 minutes and told the audience that he was on his "Trump (expletive) tonight." He went into an intellectual discourse about Beyonce, Jay Z, Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, the radio and MTV.

Fans wanted their money back. The so-called rapper played a couple of songs by the time his medication wore off and he went into his tirade, ending the show after about 30 minutes. Some people paid $250 for a pair of tickets.

Ticketmaster announced that Kanye's show at the Forum in the LA suburb of Inglewood, Calif. was cancelled, but no explanation was given.

Several videos of West's outburst circulated showing West saying he was hurt after learning Beyonce refused to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards unless she won the award over West. 

West also urged Beyonce's husband Jay Z to call him and "talk to me like a man." In the past, Mr. Z spoke to Mr. West in falsetto, upsetting the so-called artist.

West targeted radio stations for playing the same stuff "over and over and over," and never playing his stuff like that. He also addressed Hillary Clinton.

"It's a new world, Hillary Clinton, it's a new world," West revealed. "Feelings matter. Because guess what?" he asked, sounding a bit like Dennis Rodman explaining his relationship with Kim Jung un. "Everybody in middle America felt a way and they showed you how they felt. Feelings matter, bro," he told Hillary, assuming she was identifying as a man on that night.

West said he was putting his life, career and "public well-standing" (seriously, he said 'well-standing') at risk by talking to the fans in the audience "like this." He added that his Saint Pablo tour "is the most relevent (s**t) happening."

"I am here to change things. And things won't change until people admit their own falsehoods. I got the visions, bro. That's what I've been blessed with. My vision. I'm not always going to say things the perfect way, the right way [like he has always done before, bro]. But I'm going to say how I feel."

And we really care about how you feel.

I can see Kanye West running against Trump in 4 years. He's setting it up right now, bro.

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