Saturday, October 22, 2016

WikiLeaks docs show how aides tried to get Hillary to go legit

Another load of emails by the State Department show how Hillary Clinton's aides tried to get her to go legit and get herself onto a State Department email account instead of using her illegal private server. 

In November of 2010, Huma Abedin, Hillary's top aide and soon-to-be ex-wife of Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner, were talking about the fact that Hillary's emails weren't being received by staff.

"I emailed back yes but ops told me they didn't hear from you so didn't make call which I just ordered them to do. Also [deputy chief of staff and Director of Policy Planning] Jake [Sullivan] said he'd been trying to reach me and ops said they had called you about that too. This is not a good system," Clinton said in an email to Abedin on November 13th. 

Since other emails never made it to Hillary's staff, Huma suggested she get onto the legal system of the State Department. But going legit is rarely an option for the Clintons.

"We should talk about putting you on State email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam. It's not the phone message system, it's the device delay," Abedin wrote to Clinton.

A report in May 2016 by the State Department's Inspector General noted "various staff and senior officials throughout the Department had discussions" about Clinton's use of 'non-departmental systems' (aka illegal private server that FBI Director Comey felt she didn't use to cause a problem with national security, and therefore should be allowed to run the country).

Abedin and others tried to help the possibly brain injured Hillary find alternatives to her use of mobile devices and her desired request to take her unsecured BlackBerry into secure areas. Senior staff discussed setting up a stand-alone computer with Internet connection which was intended "to enable her to check her emails from her desk."

It never happened.

So Hillary never had to go legit and all was well in the Clinton household.

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