Friday, October 7, 2016

Oktoberfest numbers way down due to fear of migrant sex crimes

Munich, Germany -- The world's largest beer festival, Oktoberfest, is coincidentally held in October every year, but this year it has dropped to its lowest level in 15 years. 

The Germans have Angela Merkel to thank for the drop in attendance since she brought in Muslim migrants in record number. Since their arrival, there has been an enormous increase in rapes and other sex crimes, as well as other crimes that don't get as much ink, such as hate crimes and violent crimes.

The number of visitors this year was about 5.6 million visitors, about 300,000 fewer than last year, but still more than enough beer drinkers to cause a spike in "Gas-X" sales. (In German it's Blähung-X.) 

But even with heightened security this year, the number of sex crimes increased by 31 cases, according to police reports.

Another reason for low drinker turnout is also due, in part, to the recent series of terrorist incidents in Western Europe. In July, for example, a German-Iranian student killed nine shoppers in a Munich mall and then killed himself.

That same week, an Afghan Muslim migrant attacked people on the street with an axe, injuring five. And a failed asylum-seeker blew himself to bite-size bits outside a music festival in Ansbach, Germany, injuring fifteen people.

Thanks to Merkel, Germany alone accounts for about one third of all refugees received in Western Europe last year. 

Of the 1.3 million Muslim migrants who arrived there in 2015, almost half were young males. In other words, almost half of the migrants fit the profile of Islamic terrorists and all have declined to fight for their own country, choosing to leave and migrate to the West instead. 

These were the same people who caused mayhem in Cologne on New Years, groping women in the street, raping some and causing all kinds of mischief.

And Hillary Clinton wants to increase the influx of Muslim migrants to the USA by 550%.

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