When Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, his supporters wanted to show the world what they thought of that move. They plan to hold a "fart-in" at the Democratic National Convention later this month to make the statement: "We think Hillary for President stinks."
Head farter of the protest, Cheri Honkala, is the national coordinator for the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign. She has been stocking up on dry beans and canned beans and plans to head for Philadelphia and have the delegates eat 'em up then have Hillary Clinton smell what they think of her.
The original plan was to have a "S**t-in" but the cleanup would have been an insurmountable ordeal so the idea was dumped.
For more background on the issue of flatulence and its embarrassing outcome, go here.
"The fart-in is to raise attention about things that really stink in our society," said Dr. Walter Tsou, an old stinker in his own right and a member of the Philadelphia branch of Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Honkala told US News and World Report that Sanders' endorsement of the Dragon Lady will not stop the "fart-in,"--in fact, she said the number of bean contributions "will probably quadruple." She added that a variety of beans have already been delivered to the organization's office in Philadelphia.
I suggest they wash it down with beer.
In anticipation of the protest, the Clinton campaign has purchased over 10,000 cans of Febreze and 300 Air Wick Life Scents for the "fart-in."
Hillary has been practicing breathing through her mouth and plans to do that during her shrieking acceptance speech.
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