Monday, May 16, 2016

The socialist and the felon go at it in Nevada

Bernie backers are angry, "unruly and unpredictable" according to the Nevada State Democratic Convention. This word came Saturday after several disputes broke out over the rules governing primary delegates for the party of the KKK, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. 

Of course, I'm referring to a socialist and a likely felon, Sanders and Clinton respectively, but the encounters got so out of hand that it lead to law enforcement being called in to keep the peace.

Sanders supporters gathered at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. They were angry over two main issues: 1. the approval of temporary rules that were less favorable to the socialist and his backers, and more favorable to the felon, and hers. 2. the allocation of the twelve delegates up for grabs. Of the 12 delegates, the felon ended up with 7 while the socialist only got 5. 

Her supporters totaled 1,695 and his were 1,662. For a socialist, numbers that close should be considered a virtual tie and the delegates should have been split evenly, like socialists demand of those with more of anything than they have.

Sanders socialist supporters said the results were skewed when they learned that nearly 60 people weren't given delegate status. Convention Credential Committee Co-Chair Leslie Sexton said 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified for one reason or another and weren't given the chance to appeal.

At first, Sexton claimed she wasn't allowed to present a report about the socialist's delegates, but wouldn't give the reason for this. However, once feeling the crowd pressure as they chanted "recount" and "let her speak," she relented.

"Contrary to procedures and precedents set by the committee, nearly none of the 64 people were presented with the opportunity to be heard by the committee or to demonstrate that they are registered Democrats," Sexton said.

The Nevada State Democratic Party claimed 58 of those excluded Sanders supporters were not registered as Democrats by May Day, and were thus denied due to a lack of personal information. (It sounds as if the Democrats are using the "voter ID" requirements they attack all the time to their benefit when it suits them.)

Six of the 64 were "allowed to be seated after their appropriate information was provided," the party said. It should be noted that 8 Clinton supporters were also denied delegate status for similar reasons. 

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