Saturday, May 7, 2016

Proof that men are better at math

An American Airlines flight was delayed two hours because a woman thought her seat mate might be a terrorist.

Guido Menzio, an Ivy League professor of economics was working on a mathematical problem for a presentation he was preparing to give at Queens University, in Kingston, Ontario. 

The woman left the flight, claiming to feel ill, but then went to report that she believed the man she sat next to was a terrorist. Casey Norton, an American Airlines spokesman said the allegations about the math professor was not deemed credible, because math by itself is harmless.

Menzio was working on a differential equation, something beyond the pale of the idiot seat mate. The guy was not doing the "Allahu Akbar Shuffle" and wasn't even from the Middle East. He's an award-winning economist from Italy.

Relax, lady.

And since when do terrorists write stuff before blowing themselves up? It would be a waste of paper.

Menzio told the media that he was troubled by the woman's ignorance and also felt the security was "bazzo." 

"Issa no wondera Bernie Sanders issa doing so well. You people are 'stupido come lo sporco.'

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