Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pope insists almost all pedophiles should be punished

Vatican City -- Pope Francis says that pedophiles who abuse children need to be severely punished, except when they do it in the name of religion. Specifically, he was referring to Islam, where it's typical for older men, say around 52, to marry girls as young as, say, 6, like Muhammad did with Aisha.

Speaking to his flock in St. Peter's Square, he greeted an organization dedicated to fighting child abuse except for the Islamic variety.

The Pope called pedophilia a "tragedy," rather than an outrageous crime. He said that "we mustn't tolerate abuses on minors," and added "we must defend minors and severely punish the abusers," except not child bride marriages in places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and you get the gist. 

Francis didn't mention the Catholic church scandals as well as those committed by Muslims. 

Catholic priests who had committed such crimes were merely transferred to different parishes by their bishops in order to avoid reporting it to the authorities. Victims' groups want the Pope to punish those bishops, but that's as likely to happen as Hillary Clinton getting what she deserves.

Recently, a 6-year-old child in Naples was thrown from the roof of an 8-story dwelling after trying to resist her rapist. Autopsy showed a long history of sexual abuse and investigators believe the neighbors knew about the abuse but didn't go to the police.

Shades of Kitty Genovese.

But the Pope still says nothing about the abuse Christians face in Islamic countries and how little girls and women are raped by Muslim men, and some turned into sex slaves.

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