Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hillary: I call them the Federal Bureau of Security Inquiries

You've no doubt heard the expression, "If her lips are moving, she's lying." Well, attribute that saying to people like Hillary Clinton, the "Mother of Mendacity." Is there anything she will not lie about? She even lies about not lying.

For months Clinton has lied about the FBI investigation into her private email server. She referred to it over and over as a "security inquiry." This server was used to send and receive classified government emails, some of which are known as "Special Access Programs" (SAP).

SAP has a higher level of secrecy than Top Secret documents because it contains information about field operations and names of agents that could easily get them killed--as dead as the four men in Benghazi who were killed having nothing to do with the lie that it was over some obscure video.

On Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey was asked by Fox News about Hillary's claim that the FBI probe was merely a "security inquiry."  Comey said that he doesn't know what the term 'security inquiry' means and added, "We're conducting an investigation . . . that's what we do."

When Comey was informed that Hillary Clinton uses the phrase "security inquiry," he reiterated that  he's "not familiar with the term security inquiry."

Comey was also asked about the timing of the investigation since Clinton is the presumptive Democratic felon presidential nominee. He said he'd rather do the investigation "well" rather than fast and he's not "tethered" to a schedule.

FBI investigators have been meeting with Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, wife of Anthony Weiner, and top aide to Hillary Clinton, the magnanimous Huma Abedin. They have also met with Cheryl Mills who walked out of the questioning when the questions got tough.

Clinton and her campaign team of miscreants have described the investigation (as to whether Hillary Clinton should be charged under the Espionage Act, or whether she has used the Clinton Foundation to help fund her campaign, which is illegal, or if her aides were given access to her password and thereby her server) as a security inquiry.

On "Face the Nation" this Sunday, Hillary used the term 'security inquiry' when asked how she would respond to people worried the FBI probe is a "big deal."

"I say what I've said now for many, many months," the Mother of Mendacity said. "It's a security inquiry. I always took classified material seriously. There was never any material marked classified that was sent or received by me, and I look forward to this being wrapped up."

But of course, the emails don't actually need to be marked "Classified" to be classified--that's only in the movies, and Hillary knows that, but, like another Democrat, Jonathan Gruber, she's counting on the stupidity of the American voter.

That's why we have the liberals on the far left--we want all the stupid American voters where we can see them.

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