Saturday, April 9, 2016

Right to be forced to pay dues

The right to work law is unconstitutional according to a leftist circuit court judge in Madison, Wisconsin because labor unions have a "property right" to the wages of employees.  Right-to-work proponents will appeal the socialist's decision.

Wisconsin became the 25th right-to-work state where people could not be forced to pay union dues. 

The problem was made public when workers argued the compulsory dues were going to a union that financially supported a political candidate they did not want to support. Sounds reasonable--kind of like "taxation without representation."

"We are extremely disappointed that the Dane County Circuit Court struck down Wisconsin's right-to-work law, but we are confident the law will be upheld on appeal," state AG Brad Schimel said.

The bill went into effect last March and three labor unions sued the state, Gov. Walker, and Schimel. The unions claimed the law requires unions to provide a service--workplace "representation" to nonunion workers--without being compensated. 

The Honorable C. William Foust agreed. 

But state and right-to-work advocates argue that "neither the federal nor state law requires a union or other entity to become an exclusive bargaining representative."

But Foust says that argument is "disingenuous," which is exactly the union's position.

So now liberals are giving each other "high fives" over the Foust decision, but I suspect the appeal process will see the right-to-work law upheld.

Isn't it great that liberals want to ensure worker's rights to forcibly pay union dues is upheld? 

What idiots.

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