Saturday, April 30, 2016

Defining "Scumcrumpet"

Opinions are like belly buttons--everybody has one. This has become especially true for politics where famous entertainers, even those with the IQ of a half-eaten donut, have something to say about the campaign and candidates.

Convicted serial rapist and ear-biting dirty fighter, Mike Tyson said, "I like Trump, yeah. He should be president." 

The Ted Cruz campaign and one of his PACs are going after Trump for his love of former pro boxing champion, Mike Tyson, the man who not only was convicted of rape, but it happened in Indiana which holds their primary this Tuesday.

The Trusted Leadership PAC released a video showing that Trump claimed Tyson was "railroaded" in the 1991 conviction.

"One of the leaders in the effort to keep Tyson out of prison is Donald Trump,"a voice is heard saying on the 30-second video while archived stills and moving pictures of Trump are shown, along with one photo of Trump beside Tyson.

Trump's feeble argument was that the underage teen, a beauty pageant contestant,  had been dancing with Tyson and willingly went into his Indianapolis hotel room. That's like saying "the kid was asking for it."

Trump unexpectedly said that "Iron Mike" had tweeted an endorsement and "All of the tough guys endorse me."

Cruz responded with: I've got news for Donald Trump. Rapists are not tough guys."

I believe Cruz is wrong. Some rapists and ear biters are tough guys. Obviously, Tyson is no Obama in terms of whimpishness. But he's not a role model and Trump is not wise to use him for an endorsement. 

Cruz's VP selection, Carly Fiorina, said of Trump, "Sorry, I don't consider a convicted rapist a tough guy."

I call Tyson a scumcrumpet.

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