Monday, April 25, 2016

Can Trump act "presidential'?

Donald Trump claims that he's going to take off his un-presidential clown suit and put on his big boy presidential pants. So I suspect everything we've thus far seen of the Donald is just his act, his schtick, so to speak. He says that he's going to be sooooooo presidential that we'll be bored to death, "folks."

It sounds like once he's done entertaining us, he plans to bore us to death.  But I suspect he's kidding--he can't possibly change from who he is, and he even remarked that he likely won't be changing any time soon.

Grumpy Trump unleashed a fusillade of personal attacks against Ted Cruz and John Kasich responding to "the shows" that say they are "colluding" against him by joining forces to keep him from winning the GOP nomination.

Grumpy Trump went after Kasich's eating habits calling them "disgusting." He didn't just say it once, he went into detail about how all that Kasich seems to do is eat.

I flipped on the boob tube today and watched a bit of Trump's speech in Rhode Island. I honestly thought it was a video from several weeks ago because he was almost verbatim with what he had said about the GOP nominating process. But the speech was live, and Grumpy Trump was already "sooooooo boring." 

In addition to insulting Kasich's eating style, he is also back to insulting Cruz with referring to him as "Lyin' Ted." 

For a guy who wrote "The Art of the Deal," you would think he'd be aware of how to deal with the delegates he needs to get him over the hump, but it looks like Ted Cruz has him beat in that area, and all Trump does is complain and make juvenile tweets.

In Rhode island he called Cruz "a basket case" under pressure, and also made fun of both his rivals by saying they respond to questions by "stuttering and stammering."

In his attack on Kasich, Trump labeled him as "1 fo 41" and made fun of his eating style . "He has the news conference all the time when he's eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion. I'm always telling my young son, Barron, always with my kids, all of them, I'd say 'children, small, little bites.' This guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth; it's disgusting."

"Do you want that for your president? I don't think so," Trump said.

Kasich's campaign tweeted a response to that attack with an unflattering photo of Trump eating a steak. It was disgusting folks.

But never shy with tweeting hyperbole, Grumpy Trump said of Cruz and Kasich that they are "mathematically dead and totally desperate." He was referring to their working together to stop him getting the 1237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination.

Trump has 'collusion' confused with 'politics.'

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