Monday, March 21, 2016

Hillary yells about Trump's stand on Israel

Democratic presidential front-runner and apparent felon, Hillary Clinton, yelled to her loyal followers about Donald Trump's commitment to our alliance with Israel at an address before AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the country's most influential pro-Israel group. 

She hollered that Trump has taken a "neutral" stance in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, hoping to gain points with them.

Mrs. Clinton, afraid to challenge Trump head-on, made some innuendos about Mr. Trump by saying the next president needs to be a steadfast supporter of Israel. 

It would also be nice if the next president wasn't the wife of a sex offender who slams the women victims of her husband's sexcapades. 

It would also be nice if the next president wasn't an incompetent felon who shows as much concern for national security as a blowfish does to a fire in Benghazi. 

"We need steady hands--not a president who says he's neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything's negotiable," she screamed. "Israel's security is non-negotiable!"

Hillary was obviously referring to stupid comments Trump made in February when he said that he'd be "sort of a neutral guy" on Israel. His Republican rivals finally had the testicles to jump on that statement, but it seems that it was too late to convince conservatives that Trump changes his mind more often than a liberal yells "racist."

Trump swears he's strongly pro-Israel and cites his Jewish son-in-law as proof somehow that it's true. That's like saying, "Some of my best friends are Jewish." 

He said he will only be neutral in terms of trying to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but it's obvious he needs to read the Koran before he speaks about resolving anything between Muslim anti-Semites and the Jews.

Screaming to the choir on Monday, Hillary went on to shout that America cannot be "neutral" when it comes to Israel. "Some things aren't negotiable, and anyone who doesn't understand that has no business being our president."

Neither does anyone who thinks they are above the law and commits acts of espionage, or barks like a dog during a speech.

Bernie Sanders skipped the event because, as a Jew, he doesn't want to advertise that fact. Listen to him speak and he hardly mentions his Jewish background. 

While Hillary makes it a point that she would be breaking ground as the first woman president (barring that she'd be put behind them), Bernie's platform is all about Wall Shtreet, not that he'd be the first jewish president.

"Woof. Woof woof."
So is it true that a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, and a vote for Hillary is a vote for the persecution of female victims of sexual assault?

You make the call.  

And Trump would never bark like a dog.

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