Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Afghan cop kills 4 Afghan cops: and the beat goes on

An Afghan policeman shot and killed four of his fellow policemen at a remote checkpoint on a major southern highway. Eleven policemen who were supposed to be manning the checkpoint when the proverbial excrement hit the fan on Monday are missing, according to Gen. Ghulam Sakhi Roghlewanai.

The Taliban claimed responsibility in an email to the media. Gen. Roghlewanai still isn't sure what happened. 

But if it's the Taliban, it's probably an inside job. That's how they operate--there has been a number of inside jobs in recent years where jihadists attack their colleagues or allied NATO forces.

This is not your father's war. Nothing about Islamic jihad is what the world is used to in terms of what is considered normal warfare tactics and what was traditionally viewed as war crimes.

The Geneva Convention tried to make war "fair" by making treaties regarding how to fight a "humanitarian war and how to treat prisoners of war in such a way that everyone in a civilized world could agree upon. 

But war, by its very nature is uncivilized, and people are willing to do whatever they must to get what they need, be it 72 virgins in Paradise, or getting to live instead of being killed.

Fighting Islamic jihadists is nothing like fighting the Nazis, although they are similar in some of their ideology. 

After both 911's you would think we've learned something as a nation but it seems that we've returned to our September 10, 2001 way of thinking. San Bernadino, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon and so many others.

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