Sunday, February 14, 2016

The GOP debacle and CBS

The GOP debate was as lively as a cock fight and as elegant as Roseanne Barr singing the Star Spangled Banner. The moderators couldn't moderate a thermostat as candidates did not give other candidates the floor, interrupting boisterously, and saying things that make some of us embarrassed to be conservative Republicans.

Of course I'm mainly referring to Donald Trump, but even Jeb Bush seemed out of line at times. He had to attack Trump to gain any footing he hoped to carry over into South Carolina, but he never seems to have his heart into the fracas like Trump does.
Trump, not saying the "F" word

It's understandable why people are flocking to Trump--they're totally fed up with Washington. And if somehow Obama appoints a Supreme Court justice to replace Antonin Scalia during Senate adjournment, Trump will win the nomination hands down, in my opinion.

But back to the debate.

The audience was rude and totally disrespectful to the non-establishment candidates, particularly Trump and Cruz. They weren't disrespectful to Carson, however, because he's such a likable person--it would be like flipping off MLK.

But they were all in for Rubio, who, I believe, had a  very good performance, however, when an audience is obviously biased toward one person, it takes something away from his or her credibility. And let's remember, Rubio was part of the Gang of Eight, which makes him almost too moderate for many conservatives, which is why he scores best over Hillary Clinton.

And speaking of the Scandal Queen, she tweeted during the debate and, in one instance, tweeted about how the GOP demonizes women. I responded to her "Like how you demonized Bill's victims."

She didn't respond.

Anyway, I was grateful the debate ended, but it didn't end soon enough. 

The "S" in CBS has to stand for "Sucks."

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