Friday, February 19, 2016

Shades of Clinton tactics

Politics is dirty and the public is getting tired of it. That may be why Donald Trump is so attractive to many voters--he says what's on his mind, and that's bringing him votes even if it goes against the political philosophy of the voter. 

But even Donald Trump lies. It's just that his opponents are afraid to call attention to those lies because of how powerfully he fights back.

Regarding Iraq, Trump now says he was against the war. "Was" implies that in the past, he was always against the war.

He was against it, but that was after he said he was for it in 2002. Now he's against it apparently because it makes him look wiser than the brother of one of his opponents. 

People have the right to change their minds, and there is no reason not to believe what Donald Trump is saying now--he isn't lying about what he believes at this time in history. The only lie was that he implied that he was never for the war.

Now let's be clear, the misleading photo of Marco Rubio shaking hands with President Obama is a lie. It's a lie because it isn't a true photo of the event it claims to represents. It was Photoshopped to make it look like Rubio is an Obama buddy.

The fake photo was on the Cruz campaign site It was a stock photo of an African-American businessman shaking hands with a Latino businessman--the photo was discovered after it had gone on the website. 

The heads of both Obama and Rubio were Photoshopped onto the torsos with the headline: "The Rubio-Obama Trade Pact."

I'm sorry, Cruz voters, but that's dishonest and it sucks.

A Cruz spokesman told CNN that they were "confident that our campaign would not use a photo that is not authentic."

And Bill did not have sex with that woman . . . Monica Lewinsky. And Hillary Clinton never told a lie.

The Cruz campaign communications director Rick Tyler said to CNN that "if Rubio has a better picture of him shaking hands with Barack Obama I'm happy to swap it out." 

That sounds like something the Clinton camp might say to a political opponent. Putting the onus on the victim rather than themselves, the accusers.

Honestly, I'm not "all in" for Marco Rubio. I'm still watching and listening to the candidates and I've narrowed it down to three.

I've basically eliminated Dr. Ben Carson--Meghan McCain accurately described his campaign speeches as sounding like Wikipedia posts, and I totally agree. However, I like Carson's honesty, but I cannot imagine him presiding over our foreign affairs.

I think John Kasich is just okay, but his chronic karate chopping gets me antsy. He also makes all kinds of claims as to what he had done for Ohio, but my research has shown that he was significantly less instrumental in the state's jobs and economy as he claims. 
Look it up.

Jeb Bush needs to bow out of the race immediately. His stoop-shouldered responses to Trump make me feel sad for him. He's probably a decent enough guy, but he's never going to be president, so he needs to pack up his mommy and big brother and go home. The Bush era needs to be put to bed.

For me, the race is now between the top three: Trump, Cruz and Rubio. But Cruz has lost some points after the Carson scandal and the Rubio Photoshop-fest. 

I am beginning to think Cruz, like Hillary, would do anything and say anything to get elected. 

Let him convince me I'm wrong. I'm willing to listen and I don't mind being wrong.

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