Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kerry goes Hollywood

"The hills are alive with the sound of brain dead"
Uber leftist extraordinaire and so-called Secretary of State John-the-Nam-Kerry met with Hollywood studio heads to discuss a topic none of them knows anything about: ISIS and how to beat them.

But wait--I'm giving them too much credit when I say "beat them," when all they want to do is somehow counter their message.

Countering ISIS's message is like countering a hurricane with a broken umbrella.

Kerry still generally refuses to call them ISIS, because he doesn't want to admit they might be Muslims doing all that killing.

In an article from Variety, Kerry babbled this:
One attendee who was there said that the executives also exchanged ideas and observations about studio worldwide marketing of movies and TV shows, a way of showing how narrative storytelling can cross cultures. The attendee described part of the gathering as a "brainstorming session," including how to involve storytellers in regions afflicted or threatened by ISIS, as a way to counter the narratives promulgated by the terrorist organization. "Let's figure out how to involve people who are there," the attendee said.
Please, if you understand this, shoot a comment.

Liberals like Kerry and Hollywood leftists are the ones most likely to change this country into an Arabic-speaking nation, under Allah, with no liberty nor justice for all.

Defining ISIS and Islamic terrorist organizations is simple: they want all who think differently than they think, dead. DEAD! 

Movies will not change that, Mr. Kerry. And if they could, why announce it to the world, unless it's self-serving?

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