Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hillary attracts prostitutes, and Bill approves completely

Hillary Clinton is making her mark with prostitutes in Nevada, where prostitution is as legal as a Planned Parenthood killing of an unborn baby.

In a profession that many men are "all in" for, these prostitutes are "all in" for the Queen of Scandal and have formed a group calling themselves "Hookers for Hillary."

Bill loves the idea.

Hillary probably doesn't see the hypocrisy in the fact that women who are used as sex depositories are voting for a woman who claims to be "all in" for women. But then again, she probably doesn't see the hypocrisy in the type abortions that target female babies over boys.

Is she ever became president, she would allow for partial birth abortion and perhaps allow it up until the time the baby speaks its first word. I may be exaggerating, but not by a lot.

The one thing that should leave no doubt in anyone's mind is that Hillary Clinton would do anything, anything at all, for her political ambitions.

Husband Bill agrees: "We need to get these women . . . " and then he stopped talking.

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